<bgsound src="/audio/tgoaulp.mp3" loop=1 height=1 width=1 name="audiobgsound1" id="audiobgsound1"> Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb presents.... and then some.... Popeye has Good Karma -- VERY Good Karma

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The World Wide InterWebNet!

And congratulations to the USA Men's Olympic Sabre Team, as well.
Good job. Nice try. So close. And, yes, you were robbed.
Count on it!  
Congratulations also to all of our men and women olympians, winners all.
But especially to the many Gold, Silver and Bronze medal winners.
You all do yourself and your country proud. (as do all olympians of all countries)
Tremendous thanks to all of you from all of us for your hard work,
commitment, sacrifice, humanity, and sportsmanship.
You are true role models who epitomize the ideal best in humanity.

I Want too BElieve! Jeet Kune Do *laffz* at BJJ!
The P-t-B.com
Archival Recap
of a
New Era

(just in case you missed something)

This is my current desktop wallpaper image. (girls.bmp; 1024 x 768)
Where ever it was that I got the original image, this version has been
modified and enhanced in a few ways for your enjoyment and viewing pleasure.
Click on thumbnail to download an archived version for Windows: (~1.5 Mb)


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